Design, Style, and Customize your Storefront Customer Account Pages ✏️
Customizing the look and feel of the account page that your customer interacts with can be done by going to the Account Page Design section from the EasyAccounts homepage.
Within the Layout section of Account Page Design you can set high-level sizing, shadow, and configuration options for the storefront account.
First, choose whether you would like the Header and Footer to remain on your storefront when the customer logs into their account (it is typical to leave these in place).
Next, choose your Container, Radius, and Shadow styles, along with your Card Border Width. You can use the ‘Preview’ screen to the right to see how these will look on your storefront.
Next, go to the Colors tab within the Account Page Design section.
From here you will be able to choose the colors that you would like your customer accounts to render on many of the elements. Either choose a color from the color swatch, or choose a custom color, for each of the options.

When you have made your selections, remember to Save your changes by selecting the Save and Update button.